Why is this portal useful?
  • Placing and sending offers – free of charge
  • Database of candidates with higher education
  • Cooperation with Career Centre - Support in the process of reaching appropriate candidates
What the support of the company in the portal is responsible for?

Each employer creating an account in the portal is supervised by one Career Centre (chosen during registration). Offers placed in the portal are available to all candidates (regardless under which Career Centre attendance they were added).

Qualifications and professional competences

"Są dwa rodzaje wiedzy: kiedy posiadamy wiedzę w jakimś przedmiocie lub wiemy, gdzie znaleźć potrzebne informacje." Cytat Johnsona dobrze obrazuje jedną z podstawowych dychotomii istotną dla współczesnych specjalistów do zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi: kwalifikacje - kompetencje.